Showing posts with label ED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ED. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Tips OF Cure ED for Better Life

What is Erectile Dysfunction ?

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the inability to developing and sustaining an erection long enough to carry out sexual intercourse. Sometimes, the patient conjointly has low libido.

Some individuals might not contemplate it as a big matter, however actually it a matter of huge concern.

Erectile issues are signs of some serious health issue. The facts that erections occur due to blood rush into the penis, so the difficulty in getting an erection can indicate clogged arteries or heart disease.

However, cardiovascular problems are not the only cause of erectile dysfunction. Hormonal imbalances, inflammation, mineral deficiencies, bad lifestyle, stress can all be the reason for your problem.

Medical assistance is necessary to understand your condition. Some of the hidden causes of erectile dysfunction are:

Total Cholesterol

When the cholesterol levels in the blood rise, cholesterol starts to deposit on the walls of the arteries.

It forms a plaque that prevents the blood to flow adequately. As a result, the penis does not get enough blood supply and loses strength during an erection.

Having a normal waistline or BMI will not protect you from erectile problems. The key to your own healthy sex life is to maintain normal cholesterol levels in your body.


HDL is the smart cholesterin within the body. It helps to counter the ill effects of the dangerous cholesterol and in the cleansing of the liver. HDL minimizes the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Free Testosterone

Androgen levels within the body and male erectile dysfunction are very strongly related. Analysis reveals that men with a lower level of free testosterone are more seemingly to develop erectile dysfunction(ED). so as to enhance the extent of free androgen within the body you must eat foods rich in magnesium.


High-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein or hsCRP is released during full-body inflammation by the liver.

It can cause health issues like obesity and overexertion. Inflammation disrupts the correct flow of blood within the body. So, having a high level of CRP in the body can increase the risk of Erectile dysfunction.


Low levels of magnesium can also be the reason for erectile dysfunction. In addition, magnesium level is directly associated with the production of testosterone which is an essential sex hormone.

How to prevent erectile dysfunction ?

Stay ahead of the curve

If you are still facing problems in developing, a firm erection even when your biomarker levels are all fine then you should consider changing your lifestyle. A few changes in your daily routine can help you regain your lost vigor.

Here are some of the tips to improve your overall health

  1. Start walking studies suggest that a daily walk of just 30 minutes can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by 41%. Middle-aged men with extra kilos should opt for moderate exercise to fix their problems.
  2. Eat Right if you increase the intake of good food, you can minimize the possibility of developing ED. It includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fish.
  3. Pay attention to cardiovascular health if you constantly see yourself complaining of high blood pressure, or your blood sugar levels and triglycerides levels are always high then you must visit the doctor. Cardiovascular health is closely related to erectile dysfunction(ED). A growing waistline can also be the reason for your condition. Try to lose some kilos to improve your health.
  4. Size does matter men with wider waistline id more prone to erectile dysfunction than a man with a narrow waistline. If you are overweight, then losing a few kilos will really help you to minimize the symptoms of erectile dysfunction Excess body fat interferes with the internal secretion levels within the body.
  5. Move your muscles if you want to get rid of erectile dysfunction then you must train the muscles of the pelvic floor. A strong pelvis enhances the erections making you last longer in the bed. Moreover, you should start a healthy lifestyle if you want to see sure results.
  6. Proper sleep Improper sleeping pattern can even be the explanation for your downside. Sleep and androgenic hormones have an intricate relationship. Your body will produce testosterone in adequate quantity only when you give it a proper and much-deserved rest. The internal secretions in the body are controlled by an inner body clock which is affected by your sleeping patterns. Sticking to a proper sleeping pattern can minimize the risk of erectile dysfunction(ED).
  7. Quit Smoking If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction then stopping smoking can be a great help for you. Smoking results in cardiovascular diseases, which is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction in men. Persistent smoking can clog the arteries and affect the blood supply to the penis. Even smokeless tobacco has the same impact as the regular one. If you are facing trouble in quitting smoking then you can consult a doctor who can help you in the process.
  8. Limit the intake of alcohol Alcohol will cause temporary and permanent erectile dysfunction. The central nervous system releases a gas, nitric oxide that causes the erection in the penis. Heavy alcohol consumption affects the central nervous system and prevents it from producing nitric oxide sufficient for proper erection. The low production of nitric oxide translates into erectile dysfunction.
  9. Monitor your medication ED can also occur as a side effect of some medication that you might be taking for some other health condition. Especially the medicines for health conditions like high blood pressure and depression. Some other medications like beta-blockers, antipsychotic drugs, cholesterol medications, chemotherapy, diuretics, and heart medication. However, you should not discontinue the medications on your own.
  10. Acupuncture to reduce erectile dysfunction
    Acupuncture can benefit you if you have erectile dysfunction. It will relax your muscles and improve the overall blood circulation in your body.
  11. Medicine and Herbal remedies to fix erectile dysfunction Many herbal remedies can help you to combat ED. However, you must consult an expert before using any herbs as it can cause problems. The two most effective remedies for erectile dysfunction are pomegranate juice and red ginseng. Ginseng increases the production of nitric oxide in the body, which improves the overall blood circulation. Pomegranate juice is an antioxidant that helps in preventing atherosclerosis. However, talk to your doctor before using these remedies as they can interfere with your medications. Sildenafil 100, Vidalista, Fildena, Kamagra is famous generic viagra to cure erectile dysfunction. Before taking it must consult with your doctor.

Checkout Cenforce 100 online which is an online medium website where you can get the best offers on different Kamagra Jelly as well as Cenforce 100 medicine at a low price to overcome your Erectile Dysfunction problem.

Also Read - Use These Pills to Maintain a Good Relationship in Bed With Your Wife

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Viagra For Women Approved By FDA

The first drug that hit the market as an effective treatment for female sexual dysfunction was Female Viagra. This FDA approved drug can help in treating women with a low sex drive. It came as a treatment for HSDD, hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women.

One in ten women experiences HSDD at some point in their life. They can be many reasons for developing HSDD such as psychological reasons, low self -esteem, mental disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, relationship issues and many more.

The real mechanism by which the female Viagra works is not clear, however, studies show that it rectifies the chemical imbalance of the brain that is responsible for poor libido in the first place.

The FDA, US Food and Drug Administration say that a dose of 100mg before bedtime daily will be helpful for women suffering from HDSS. If the patient does not notice any improvement within 8 weeks of continuous use of the medicines, then she must stop consuming it.

Only certified health care pharmacies, professionals can prescribe Female Viagra

The FDA conducted a test involving 2400 women suffering from HSDD to check the effect of female Viagra. The patients were given a mild dose of 100mg of Viagra for 24 weeks before bedtime. It was seen that the women experienced some change in sex drive. Moreover, they also saw an improvement in mood swings and stress levels. The most common side effects of this medication are insomnia, sleepiness, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and dry mouth.

However, you must avoid this medication if you are already on drugs that contain NO as it may lower down your blood pressure. It may even show adverse results with alcohol.

How does female Viagra work ?

Viagra for Women is an effective treatment to ramp up libido. However, it works differently than the male Viagra. Viagra improves a man’s erection by improving the blood supply to the penis. However, female Viagra does not work on female genital but affects the chemicals in the brain.

It works on that part of the brain, which is responsible for sexual interest. This medicine influences the production of chemicals like norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. The researches have not been able to make out the relation between libido and steronin. However, after consuming female Viagra, women may experience sex that is more pleasurable.

It’s seen its fair share of debate

Many specialists and experts say that the results of female Viagra are minimal. Female Viagra does not address the bigger problem that causes low sex drive; it only gives results on a temporary basis. Taking female Viagra before the sexual activity can help in more pleasurable sex episode more than once a month.

So, the drug is only short-term treatment. Moreover, this medicine comes with a list of side effects. If you consume female Viagra, you may witness the following side effects:

  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Low Blood Pressure

Moreover, you must not take female Viagra if you are consuming alcohol as the medication may react with alcohol and cause some undesired side effects. Some women may even experience low blood pressure and fainting.

What does female Viagra treat ?

Female Viagra is a non-hormonal drug for women suffering from low sexual desire. It is most helpful for women who have HSDD. It can increase the libido of women who have low sex drive due to stress, anxiety, and depression.

Not every woman who has a low sex drive is suffering from HSDD. If you are experiencing the symptoms for more than 6 months and have little or no interest in sexual activity or do not get pleasure even after stimulation of genitals then you may be suffering from HSDD.

The main cause for HSDD is not clear, mostly psychological problems are the reason behind it. However, you must visit your doctor to know more about your condition.

Should you take female Viagra ?

Studies and research show that out of forty-three percent of women who suffer from low sex drive, only ten percent of women have HSDD. In addition, not every woman suffering from a low sex desire needs to consume female Viagra. 

It may be helpful for them to gain their sex drive but this is not the only option. Doctors prescribe this medicine only when the patient is suffering from HSDD. Moreover, it does not work like magic, you will not notice a change in your libido just simply after popping in the medicine. It takes a few weeks to show results. 

Moreover, specialists say that the results of female Viagra depend largely on the mood, stress level, and the partner.

Many women will not feel a change with the drug if one of the factors is not right. So, for every woman, it shows different success rate.

Checkout Kamagra 100 online which is an online medium website where you can get the best offers on different Kamagra Jelly as well as Cenforce 100 medicine at a low price to overcome your Erectile Dysfunction problem.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Optimize You ED And Life Potential

All that we see in the TV commercials is a romantic erotic setup with a voice in the background warning you about how your erectile dysfunction can spoil this perfectly amazing setup for you.

You end up hoping to God that you dont get stuck with medications to treat your erectile dysfunction. You dont have to be a muscular good looking person to have erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is more common than you would expect, especially in younger men. According to surveys one in every four patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction is under 40 years of age.

This sounds very worrisome and you wouldnt want to be on the wrong side of this statistic.

Below is some information on how to avoid erectile dysfunction or even curb on its onset.

What is Erectile Dysfunction ?

Erectile Dysfunction is the perpetual difficulty in getting an erection on maintaining it for a long enough to have sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction is sometimes accompanied by a reduced sex drive which can further cause a lot of relationship problems.

It might seem like a mess and something to be ashamed of on the surface of things, but over time science has figured out that its a lot more than that.

Erectile Dysfunction can point towards a lot of other underlying problems. Over the years, it has become a very important symptom indicating a lot of other problems in a mans overall health.

Considering that erections are caused due to expanded blood vessels that allow smooth blood flow, it is clear that a healthy strong heart and clear arteries are very important for a mans performance in bed.

If his heart works fine, so will his penis. However cardiovascular problems are not the only reason that causes Erectile Dysfunction, there is a very wide and diverse range of other causes as well.

These sources can range from hormonal imbalance to mineral deficiencies to chronic inflammation. Chances are in most cases, if you are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction, there is an underlying cause for it.

But because people are not really educated about erectile dysfunction and its symptoms and causes, they end missing on that underlying cause.

Therefore it is important to keep a track of some related biomarkers that can help you prevent the progression of some occasional incidents to occur and clinical diagnosis.

ED-related biomarkers that should be kept in check

  1. Keep an eye on your cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy type of substance found in the human body. It is important to build healthy cells in the body but high levels of cholesterol can cause heart diseases.

When the cholesterol levels in your blood increase it starts getting deposited on the inside of the arterial walls. This forms a layer of plage inside the blood vessels which narrows the passage and hampers with the blood flow.

The blood flow slows down increasing the blood pressure or in worst cases, the blood flow stops altogether. Cholesterol can affect all blood vessels in the body including the penis.

When it starts depositing in the pulmonary blood vessels present in the penis, erection and its duration suffer. This happens because the blood flow inside the penis gets compromised which is important to get an erection.

Against popular belief, people with thin waistline and normal body mass index (BMI) can also have erectile dysfunction. In the same way, physically healthy people can also have high cholesterol, especially if someone in the family suffers from the same.

High cholesterol due to heredity is a very common phenomenon. So its very important to keep an eye on your cholesterol.

  1. High-density Lipoprotein(HDL)

HDL is popularly known as the good cholesterol. HDL acts like a passage sweeper that clears out the bits of bad cholesterol that are deposited inside the blood vessels and takes them back to the liver where they are broken down and cleared out of the body.

High HDL helps in reversing the effect caused by bad cholesterol in the body. Higher levels of HDL are associated with a healthy penis. So its important to keep a track of your HDL.

  1. Free Testosterone

Testosterone is a male hormone that helps in developing male sex organs. It also helps in maintaining sex drive and generating sperm. Researchers have found out that men who have lower levels of testosterone are more prone to experiencing erectile dysfunction than those who have normal levels.

With or without erectile dysfunction testosterone is important for muscle function of the penis. Low levels of testosterone can affect your ability to get an erection or even maintain one.

Keep an eye on your testosterone levels, if you see them dropping try eating magnesium-rich foods. Magnesium-rich foods help in increasing your free T levels.

  1. hsCRP

hsCRP is a kind of protein released into your bloodstream by the liver during systemic inflammation. This can be caused because of multiple issues. Inflammation affects the blood flow in certain areas of the body which is imperative to get an erection. Hence it is pretty direct that high levels of hsCRP can be associated with an elevated risk of Erectile Dysfunction.

  1. Magnesium Levels

Low levels of magnesium lead to low levels of testosterone which may lead to erectile dysfunction. Apart from testosterone levels magnesium also plays an important role in inflammation and blood vessel lining both of which are directly related to erectile dysfunction. So magnesium level can be an important biomarker.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

If all the above-mentioned biomarkers are at normal levels and you are still having performance issues in bed shift the focus to your lifestyle.

Try not to take any kind of stress, stop using tobacco, excessive alcohol, or any sort of recreational drug. Its very easy to miss out on these habits and the effect they can have on your health.

Its very important to keep a track of the above-mentioned biomarkers and keep them on an optimal level. Reacting to these biomarkers when the levels are suboptimal can land you in trouble.

For example, using medications to reduce the level of bad cholesterol can result in low levels of testosterone as well, which is obviously something that you wouldnt want.

Keep an eye on these biomarkers and adjust your lifestyles and food habits accordingly.

Instead of treating erectile dysfunction, you can prevent it from occurring in the first place!

Checkout tadalista 20 online which is an online medium website where you can get the best offers on different kamagra oral jelly as well as cenforce 100 medicine at a low price to overcome your Erectile Dysfunction problem.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Best Place to Buy Fildena

What is Fildena?

The Fildena is a cure for Erectile Dysfunction, but of whether its causes are physiological or psychic. Its main active component, Sildenafil, acts as an inhibitor of the phosphodiesterase cyclic GMP enzyme, which is thus retained and its effect is longer. 

More specifically, the longer its impact, the more erection is. Fildena comes in one tablet packs, at doses of 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, 120 mg, and 150 mg. It looks the same as Viagra; in short, it is generic Viagra. Fildena 100 mg is very safest, and doctors suggest pill.

Mode of action

Sildenafil is a substance that has the effect of disintegrating a chemical material into the corpus cavernosum of the penis, during physical stimulation, when its conception rises, resulting in an erection induced by a chemical element with direct sexual support. Indication for use The primary purpose of the body is impotence in men, in which there is an inability to develop an erection and maintain it during physical intercourse.

What should I pay attention to when using Fildena?

Since it is entirely identical to Viagra, the same guidelines and recommendations for taking Viagra are used to take Fildena. 

Apart from the existence of certain chronic diseases, as well as the history of diseases such as cardiovascular, kidney or liver disease, it is necessary to take into account the interaction of Fildena with other drugs. 

This is especially true for those drugs that reduce high blood pressure. Since the use of Fildena leads to the blood pressure increase, it is not recommended to use it with nitrate drugs. Also, Fildena users should not interfere with this medicine with other medicines for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Side Effects of the Fildena

There are many side effects on the transient organism, but there are recorded cases with a fatal outcome, and complications are more significant as the dose of the drug is higher. Temporary problems usually occur, a headache that is transient, facial redness due to the enlargement of blood vessels of the face, dizziness, digestive disorders, nasal mucosa and nasal breathing, visual impairment in the form of blurred vision, muscle pain. 

Following the release of the substance, the following undesirable effects have been reported on the body: Allergic reactions, especially in people who are hypersensitive to the underlying content or other components found in the tablet, Cardiovascular events have reported cases of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, sudden cardiac death, cardiac disturbances, bleeding in the brain, decreased or increased blood pressure. 

Also, vomiting, eye pain, and redness were observed, as well as prolonged eradication. Contraindications for taking the substance are Proven hypersensitivity, in severe heart patients, persons with severe liver and kidney disease. 

Before taking a pill, a mandatory medical examination of a doctor is required, with a compulsory medical history and a clinical exam of the cardiologist, especially in all cardiac disorders and the lowest degree. 

Taking pill by a person with ulcer disease and coagulation disorder is not described because there are no adequate data that also requires caution with potential users.

How to take Fildena ?

Fildena, just like most drugs for the remedy of Erectile Dysfunction, takes about one hour before physical activity. The drug should not be taken in a dose higher than 100 mg and more than once a day. By taking the medication with a meal, it is possible to delay the onset of its effect. Sildenafil is not intended for use in ladies, minors, and children. Before taking medicine, it is necessary to consult with the doctor and inform him about his/her history of the disease to prevent unwanted reactions to the drug, especially when there are foreseeable risk factors. Based on past experience, the recommended dose is 50 mg 1 hour before sexual intercourse, specifically sexual activity. 

The treatment may be 25 mg as well as 100 mg. It is important to note that only one dose of up to 100 mg can be used daily. In the elderly (45 years or older), it is necessary to start with a lower dose of 25 mg, although the dose may be improved, but with Justified attention due to the side effect. The substance is not approved for people under the age of 18 due to side effects. The pill is taken whole with a little water, and without chewing. As with taking other drugs, it is also probable to take self-initially different doses of the half to one-quarter as the “friend suggested.” Of course, as the doses are smaller, complications are milder.

Where to Buy Generic Viagra “Fildena” ?

SGP is the best place to buy generic Viagra Fildena and many other alternatives of sildenafil citrate (Viagra) at an affordable price. An adequate pharmacist oversees SH. Important notes The suggested dose is usually 50 mg, the tablet is taken 1 hour before sexual activity, the erection causes an erection only if there is physical arousal, the effect of the substance begins from 30-60 min, and if taken after a sufficient meal, the action is extended. Alcohol using, before taking the substance, is not suggested. Due to dizziness and vision impairment, you should avoid car driving.

The person should be taken only in the original place of sale, not in the case of resellers due to various agents, which may cause multiple side effects. If a person does not have a potency problem, he should not use this drug because he will not have any benefit. 
If a person takes Fildena, she must be sexually aroused in any way to create an erecting. If only the pill is taken and continues with jobs that are not related to physical stimulation, the person will not feel any effect. An interested person should try medicine several times to make sure it is useful. Drugs normally do not show a positive effect when taken first. Also, if one medicine does not explain a positive impact, another should try, and if it does not show a positive effect, try the third one.